Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Summary on the Law of God

Evangelical Protestants typically manifest an allergy regarding the law of God (while Lutherans get downright apoplectic, but enough about that). It makes them itchy to think the gospel of grace can have anything to do with observance of the law. Aren't we free from all that? Saved by grace, not by works?

Certainly. It cannot be said frequently enough that the basis for our salvation in Christ is not our righteousness or our works but his. Nevertheless, we must remember what was said in our discussion of good works. We who are in Christ are the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus for good works. And what better works are there than obedience to God's commandments? One could say we are saved by grace through faith apart from works so that we might do the works of God.

Christ has set us free to obey. Furthermore, the Spirit of Christ has enabled and empowered us to obey. And by our obedience we adorn the gospel.

Tomorrow: Liberty in Christ.

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