Sunday, May 4, 2008

How Religion Is Like Life

Scougal likens religion to life by observing that the true version of the former has "permanence and stability." He intends to contrast those whose profession of religion is characterized by explosive fits rather than a calm steadiness and draws a colorful comparison to the jerky movements of recently decapitated bodies!

He observes, "this divine life does not always continue in the same strength and vigor, but many times suffers sad decays; and holy men find greater difficulty in resisting temptations, and less alacrity in the performance of their duties. Yet it is not quite extinguished, nor are they abandoned to the power of those corrupt affections which sway and overrule the rest of the world." This puts me in mind of the Confession's teaching on perseverance. Having real saving faith does not exempt the Christian from times of spiritual reversal; there are often valleys in between the peaks. But we retain confidence that He who began a good work in us will finish it in the day of Christ Jesus.

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