Monday, May 4, 2009

A Sampling of Kingdom Parables

Although these are all taken from Matthew (and most from chapter 13), this is just a representative sample that brings out certain important aspects.

1) Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43: One of the unusual cases in which we have both the parable and Jesus’ interpretation. In the “now,” God’s kingdom is a corpus per mixtum, to use Augustine’s phrase. But in God’s time it will be made pure.

2) Matthew 13:31-33: From a small and inauspicious start, the kingdom grows to immense proportions. Like yeast, the kingdom pervades the whole and influences all. How does this work itself out in the life of the believer? Is there any aspect of human life untouched by the kingdom?

3) Matthew 13:44: The immense value of the kingdom.

4) Matthew 13:45-46: Likewise.

5) Matthew 13:47-50: Similar picture to that of the parable of the wheat and tares. Recall the biblical significance of repetition as a device for emphasis.

6) Matthew 20:1-16: The sovereignty of God over his kingdom and its utter graciousness. God gives his good gifts as he sees fit.

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