Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Breath of the Almighty: The Holy Spirit

Dr. Alistair Begg, he of Parkside Church in Cleveland and the radio ministry Truth for Life, spoke on the subject of the Holy Spirit. His text was John 16:5-14. This is an inexhaustible subject. It is therefore important to stay grounded within Scripture and stay bound by its limits, for the Holy Spirit has been a subject of great speculation. Note the context of the passage. Jesus explains why it is that he must leave just at the time the disciples need him most.

1) The necessity of Jesus' departure. The Lord emphasizes that he is going back to the Father and this is to the disciples' advantage. If he doesn't go, the Helper/Counselor won't come to them. Think about the cost of all this--everything that will take place between this event and his ascension. In the entire drama of redemption the Spirit is the applicator of all the Father has decreed and the Son accomplished. Who is the one sent as a Helper? Verse 13 says "the Spirit of truth." He is a unique person, not a power or influence, and definitely not an "it." He is one with the Father and the Son, coequal and coeternal. He is sent by both Father and Son. He is never in isolation from the person and work of Christ or the will of the Father. The Spirit is the agent of creation (see Genesis 1) and the author of the new birth (John 3). He is the author of the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3).

2) Another of the same kind of helper who comes alongside. He will be with and in the disciples and will remain forever.

3) When the Spirit comes, he will convict the world. He confronts the sin, he proves the world guilty. The Spirit will convict individuals. All this is to the advantage of the disciples and to all of us who have come along behind them. In verse 12 and following the Spirit comes and will guide them into all truth. He inspired the apostles to write down their witness and guided them in doing so. The activity of the Spirit is also to glorify Jesus. He takes what is Christ's and declares it to Christ's people and through Christ's people. He ever reminds us of our sonship (Romans 8) and works to transform us into the image of Christ, such that when Christ appears we will be like him.

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